Submitted by Susan Janson on January 16, 2021 10:21am

I have some incredible Easter molds that were given to me by my mentor, a Dutch pastry chef. I’m not interested in selling them, but AP, after pandemic, I’d love to bring them along to play with them together, so please contact me.

Here’s a funny story that adds even more challenge to using mine...when I managed an ice cream and chocolate factory back in the 1980s, a Romani tinsmith stopped in and offered to clean and re-plate my molds for a fair price. I agreed. When he returned, he had plated only one side of each and demanded additional money for completion. I wouldn’t agree, so now most of my set has one freshly plated side that releases easily, and one original side that sticks. But i can get a reasonable number of good pieces with each batch, despite not having a temperer and propping the molds up in quart containers filled with dried beans or rice as they set. They are superb molds though, night and day out from today’s.  Scjanson1at gmail.