
Recipe: Concord Grape Tart

ICE Pastry & Baking Arts Chef-Instructor and Cake Decorating pro, Penny Stankiewicz, whips up a decadent tart for the fall season.

The Institute of Culinary Education has teamed up with for a monthly series highlighting a seasonal ingredient at the . And this month, weā€™re diving deep into the world of Concord grapes. 

Chef , ICEā€™s chef-instructor for and , visited the Union Square Greenmarket ā€” the cityā€™s flagship farmersā€™ market ā€” to pick up some Concord grapes to incorporate into a luxurious tart.

ā€œThe flavor is amazing,ā€ Chef Penny says. ā€œThereā€™s no other grape like Concords. But if youā€™ve had grape jelly, you know exactly what that flavor is because thatā€™s what the jelly is made out of."

For her tart, Chef Penny cooks the Concords down into a jam, pairs it with a rich chocolate ganache and tops it with sugared grapes and gold leaf.

Hereā€™s how to make it at home.

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Concord Grape Tart

Yields 1 Tart



For the Concord Grape Jam:
  • 1120 grams Concord grapes
  • 85 grams sugar
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • 3 grams kosher salt
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 1.5 star anise
For the Chocolate Tart Shell:
  • 150 grams butter
  • 150 grams confectionersā€™ sugar
  • 30 grams cocoa powder
  • 30 grams almond flour
  • 1 whole egg plus 1 egg yolk
  • 270 grams all-purpose flour
  • 3 grams kosher salt
For the Ganache:
  • 1 pound chocolate pistoles 
  • 12 ounces heavy cream
  • 10 grams vanilla
  • 3 grams kosher salt
  • 8 ounces mascarpone, at room temperature
For the Sugared Grapes:
  • A handful of Concord grapes
  • 1 egg white, beaten with a pinch of salt
  • Granulated sugar, as needed
For Assembly:
  • Gold leaf


For the Concord Grape Jam:
  1. Combine grapes, sugar, star anise, cinnamon sticks and vanilla bean in a large saucepan. Bring to a boil and then cook over medium heat until broken down and thick.
  2. Strain out seeds and skin, pressing to get all the jam possible; reserve.
For the Chocolate Tart Shell:
  1. In a mixing bowl fitted with a paddle attachment, add butter and sugar; cream until light and fluffy. 
  2. On slow speed, add cocoa powder, salt and almond flour and mix until combined. 
  3. Add eggs one at a time and mix until combined, being careful not to overman. 
  4. Place dough on a piece of parchment and cover with another piece of parchment. Roll dough to 1/8ā€-thick between the parchment sheets. Transfer to the refrigerator and chill for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Using the parchment, transfer dough to a 9ā€ tart pan. Lift and fit into the pan so there are no air gaps around the sides. (Any place where it breaks, patch with dough.) 
  6. Place a sheet of aluminum foil over the top of the tart shell and fill with baking beans. Bake at 350ĖšF for 15-20 minutes, or until crust is set around the sides. Using the foil, carefully remove beans and return to oven and bake until the tart is firm and fully set, about another 10-15 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool. 
For the Ganache:
  1. Place chocolate in a bowl pistoles in a bowl twice their size. 
  2. In a medium saucepan, bring cream to a rolling boil; pour over chocolate. Shake bowl and allow it to sit for 5 minutes. Using a rubber spatula, slowly mix in small circles in the center to bring the ganache together ā€” it will start to get shiny and a deep chocolate color. Mix until full combined. 
  3. Add salt and vanilla and set aside to cool.*
  4. Add the mascarpone to a bowl fitted with a whisk attachment, and whisk until it gains volume; add in cooled ganache and whip a bit more to lighten; reserve. 
For the Sugared Grapes:
  1. Using a small brush, paint the egg white on the grapes; dip in sugar and line them on a parchment-lined pan to dry. 
For Assembly:
  1. Fill the tart shell with the strained Concord grape jam.
  2. Dollop the chocolate cream over the top of the jam and then evenly spread with a small offset spatula, leaving the edges of the jam visible.
  3. Garnish with sugared grapes and gold leaf if using.

*You can do this a day ahead, or place onto a sheet tray in a thin layer and allow to cool.

Once you've made this recipe, check more from Chef Penny, like her 

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